February 29, 2012

Ahhhh its been to long

oh man it's been about forever and a day since i blogged, i said i didn't want it to be like the last time where i would forget to blog, but looky here been sometime since i paid any attention to it for shame on me.

I guess i just get en wrapped in other things, also not a whole lot has been going on in my but my title does say much about nothing lol.

but as of late just been dealing with a lot of deep feelings, tears, and moving boxes, recently had to move out where i was once living, a very sad time i cried for like three days straight it was pretty bad i was a blubbering fool, so right now me and my rattie lola are chilling at my dads house, until this weekend and then i will be moving into my new place. i can tell you i've only been at my dads since Saturday and already want to get the hellitosiss out of here lol, but in due time i will and just need to endure it a little longer.

even though the move was pretty much wrapped up in sadness for me, i got to hang out with my best friend i had not seen for so long like about a month moving into the old place i moved out of right now , she got into a car accident still not sure who was at fault, but she lost her car and hasn't got a new one since like two days ago, that someone from her work game to her, not a coworker but a freaking customer how cool is that, any way we hung out on Tuesday, i got my hair done, we talked and had lunch with her and her gf, saw her new apartment she moved into, tried to go to this geo cache but it was sadly gone, i am just so surprised that I didn't cry from that, because it's a good memory, so sad it's gone sniff sniff. then we went back home showed her some video's on youtube then she had to hit the road.

another thing happening is i am trying to transfer to a different store of the company i work at, and like moving to my new place i can't wait to transfer to the new store, just tired of how they run things at the one i am currently at, i mean man they don't know how to schedule for shit, we are always short handed, and they give me all the crappy shifts blah, i am just sick of that place definitely time to transfer, not saying where i am transferring to is going to be any different but god lets hope so lol.

So i hope with this new place, i begin to work on me more, like finally getting my driving license, going to school for something i really interested in doing, so if work is to much to bare i can break into a new career. also want to be more fashionable, i have some cute pieces in my wardrobe , but i need more, plus it's mostly cute dresses, but i need shirts, and i am always in need of pants lol, oh and especially work pants lol, and i want more cute shoes, my shoes are kinda worn, but just lately haven't had the money to spend on that kind of stuff, another thing i need is bras, a girl should have array of them i don't cuz it's so hard to find a good bra , I used to buy them at mervyns but since the closed them mega sadness the only bras i found that are worth buying are from Victoria secret and they are sooooo expensive damn them lol. I also want to draw more, lately all the drawing i've been doing is little doodles at work and most have been like monsters or dinosaurs, but for the past few days it's been all emotional doodles i am going through so many right now my head is spinning.

So i guess from what you read you can get what i am going through, but i am not going to really talk about it, because the story isn't finished writing it's self out, sure the ending looks predictable and such, but don't underestimate the twist at the end it may just surprise you, or not lol, it's definitely hard right now, but i know it will get better, because i am going to make it better, now if only all of my self would believe that, lol.

well i feel great to have gotten back into blogging , i hopefully want to make it a regular thing, and share my growing journey , even though my posts will most likely be a lot of little things that don't really matter, but i am just glad i have a place to get my thoughts out about whats going on, it's just me and you lola, wish she would sit on my shoulder but she just tries to jump off, but i give you banana chips!!!

well til next time, sweet days and nights for you all !!!!