October 26, 2011

Days off and october skies

I had a blog once before, but I didn't keep up with it, hopefully this will be different. I just really want a place I can talk about what's going on, I know I shouldn't treat this as a diary, but I think that's what is going to happen lol. So I guess this is a welcome back hehe.

I can't help but be a lay about and just lounge in bed watch movies i love or tv all day when it's my day off, I did do some major cleaning and rearranging for furniture, but most of my time was spent laying in bed and not taking a shower til late, I love it.  The weather that has been going on right now doesn't help, overcast and close to rain its soooo wonderful , cold enough to wear my cute thermal and my warm red socks, that my sister gave me because she didn't want them, and I love them especially on cold days, just what I need was some hot coco, not that right there is simple bliss

I do cherish October, not because of Halloween , which also makes it enjoyable, but everything starts to get cool and there is this hidden spark in the air, but yes Halloween oh what fun, dressing up , talking about costumes with friends, I don't really go anywhere for Halloween , not that i don't want to i do , just no one ever has anything going on that i know , which sucks, but i love to dress up anyway, this year i get to wear a wig , i cut my hair really short so it's easy to wear one now, I am going to be dressing up as Sookie Stackhouse the main character in the HBO show True blood, I love that show and I am going to dress up in her waitress uniform, they had the shirts for sale on HBO's website, but i didn't have the money to spend on that, so i made my own , I really don't like the shirt i bought it's very unflattering, but I was so proud that i used transferable paper and stuck the merlotts logo on it hehe, and i will be wearing black shorts and a little black apron, and i am going to speak in a bon temps accent hehe, not sure if i am working on Halloween because if i do it will be fun to pretend to be her, luckily we are allowed to dress up.

I am really glad I have returned to blogging , and I hope that I keep up with it. before i go i would love to show you what i carved my pumpkin this year , i am so proud of it .

I love rats, and so i thought it would be a cool idea for me to carve them in the pumpkin, last year I did a Jack face from Nightmare before Christmas, .... speaking of movies, i think watching Beetle juice would be great for this Halloween time =) .... well that's it for now , hope to blog real soon. Hugs and Kisses<3 

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