October 27, 2011

More Pumpkins and More Ratties

 Ahhh work day, this is my favorite type of work day, come in early, goes by fast and get to go home early. LOVE IT. also at work we sell pumpkins at first we got some good sized ones, but after they were all taken we got more in but they were like the runts of the pumpkins, the left overs lol, but after staring at them, i spied to pumpkins i really enjoyed looking at and thought it would be fun to carve up , oh please let me show you a picture of what they look like before i cut them up muhahahaa.
so when i got off from work i purchased them and then all my coworkers wondered what i was going to to with them, i am still thinking, i love to do things fun, and that i like, no more just regular jack o lantern faces, i try my best , sometimes i fail sometimes i win, like i didn't know if the rat carving was going to turn out i was taking the example from a very small picture. plus these pumpkin are smaller so it will be harder to carve I believe, and it sucks too that i can't find my pumpkin carving tool, i don't like what they have for sale in stores the carving kits they are sooo freaking cheap i remember last year i got it and most of the freaking tools broke right away ish they were so flimsy. but i have this carving knife that's been around a while and it works great ..... sigh just wish i could find it .

After work i went to eat at this Italian place that has a really good special on Thursdays bread, soup, and spaghetti for 4.95 can't beat that, I was going to try and get some tiramisu, but i was so stuffed, plus i don't know if i want to buy a dessert that cost more then my meal lol, who am i kidding yes i would lol, just hope it would be good, since I've never tried it before.

After Dinner came home wasn't sure what i wanted to do , and accidentally laid down for a mini nap, don't know if that's good, i don't like to take night naps i might have trouble sleeping tonight which has been going on lately anyway, haven't been sleeping so well, i think it's my pillow i need a pillow that will  cradle my head and slap my hands and arms away because for some reason i like to sleep on them instead and then i wake up with num hands i hate that, then i have to sit up in bed and wait til they un num themselves lol, if you walked in me doing that you would think you were in some Paranormal activity movie hehe.

Speaking of movies, I really feel like watching The Birds, my favorite Alfred Hitchcock movie <3<3

So before I head off and probably not watch The Birds or something lol, i would like to share a Another picture with you, of my new pumpkins and my real ratties sitting on the pumpkins, hehe it was so cute , they were like WTH mom why are we here lol, here it is enjoy , I know i do!

The rat on the left is my little girl Lola, she's a beautiful hairless rat, and she is very independent, easily scared, loves treats (what rat doesn't), smart little girl and i love her to pieces. Next that handsome rat on the right is my boy rat Heisenberg, he is my first boy rat I've only owned girl rats, also he is adopted and i love him he is sweet, kind, affectionate, cuddly, and so so cute i just love to smoother him with kisses, and my Lola too even though she pushes me away lol. so those are my two lovely ratties and my two awesome pumpkins hehe.

Well that's all for now, I will be sure to blog again soon!!!

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